Associazione culturale SpeleoFotoContest

Sentry Award 2023

Alessio Romeo
Member of the jury

Nato a Firenze il 18 agosto 1971 Laureato in Geologia nel 2001, attualmente fotografo freelance con sede in Toscana. Esploratore e speleologo da oltre 30 anni, specializzato in grotte glaciali, istruttore della Società Speleologica Italiana dal 1997 al 2007, tecnico volontario del Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino (CNSAS) dal 1996 al 2009 e caposquadra della delegazione Toscana dal 2005 al 2007. Membro dell'Associazione "La Venta - Esplorazioni Geografiche" dal 2005, ma in realtà collabora con essa dal 1997. Oltre quindici anni di esperienza professionale nella fotografia d'avventura, di grotta e di viaggio, formatasi nel corso di più di 30 spedizioni esplorative geografiche e speleologiche in tutto il mondo (Uzbekistan, Filippine, Myanmar, Messico, Venezuela, Brasile, Colombia) e di circa 50 spedizioni sui ghiacciai delle Alpi (29 solo sul ghiacciaio del Gorner), della Groenlandia, della Patagonia (Cile e Argentina) e del Kirghizistan. Dal 2013 fa parte del team del corso per astronauti chiamato CAVES, organizzato dall'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA), con diversi ruoli: Tecnico speleologo, insegnante di fotografia in grotta e fotografo ufficiale dal 2019. Nel 2017 inizia a lavorare come fotografo nel corso ESA di geologia planetaria denominato PANGAEA anch’esso dedicato ad astronauti. Le sue foto sono state pubblicate sia su riviste speleologiche sia su testate come National Geographic, GEO, OGGI e fra i suoi committenti ci sono marchi come Rolex e Moncler.

Born in Florence on 18 August 1971 Graduated in Geology in 2001, currently freelance photographer based in Tuscany. Explorer and speleologist for over 30 years specialised in glacial caves, instructor of the Italian Speleological Society from 1997 to 2007, volunteer technician of the National Alpine Rescue Corps (CNSAS) from 1996 to 2009 and team leader of the Tuscany delegation from 2005 to 2007. Graduated in Geology in 2001, currently freelance photographer based in Tuscany. Explorer and speleologist for over 30 years specialised in glacial caves, instructor of the Italian Speleological Society from 1997 to 2007, volunteer technician of the National Alpine Rescue Corps (CNSAS) from 1996 to 2009 and team leader of the Tuscany delegation from 2005 to 2007. Member of the Association 'La Venta - Geographical Explorations’ since 2005, but has actually been working with it since 1997. Over fifteen years of professional experience in adventure, cave and travel photography, gained during more than 30 geographical and speleological exploration expeditions around the world (Uzbekistan, Philippines, Myanmar, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia) and around 50 expeditions on glaciers in the Alps (29 on the Gorner glacier alone), Greenland, Patagonia (Chile and Argentina) and Kyrgyzstan. Over fifteen years of professional experience in adventure, cave and travel photography, gained during more than 30 geographical and speleological exploration expeditions around the world (Uzbekistan, Philippines, Myanmar, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia) and around 50 expeditions on glaciers in the Alps (29 on the Gorner glacier alone), Greenland, Patagonia (Chile and Argentina) and Kyrgyzstan. Since 2013, he has been part of the team of the CAVES astronaut course, organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), with different roles: cave technician, cave photography teacher and official photographer from 2019. Since 2013, he has been part of the team of the CAVES astronaut course, organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), with different roles: cave technician, cave photography teacher and official photographer from 2019. In 2017, he started working as a photographer in ESA's planetary geology course called PANGAEA also dedicated to astronauts. His photos have been published in caving magazines and publications such as National Geographic, GEO, TODAY and his clients include brands such as Rolex and Moncler.